Being You..


So I came across this beautiful message from Michael E. Reid and then it made me think… While the thought continues .. here is how it articulated in a slow reflex…

Why let another hold your crown. .
Be a man to you. . Be a woman . Be a child. . Be the giver the achiever the forgiver. .
Be the he be the she be they to yourself. . In your own little world.. be a whole person..Be the one for all.. Be the one for  one. . And make  that one. . YOU. . 
(C) Bijal Mehta

Published by Travel In And Out

“When life surprises me, writing soothes me” that is my connection with words. I am passionate about unfolding through my musings, what a painter does through his paintings. The greatest painter according to me is God. That might be the reason why my creative writing unfolds feelings about people, occurrences and circumstances, many times. Intrigued by the power of advertising and branding, deeply interested in social media and the services sector, the intangible elements of marketing fascinate me. Enjoy observing self, others and life in a quiet, non-judgmental manner and from a third person view.

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