
Distance is important…
The thin line between being distant
and keeping distance
can make or break a relationship..
Too much closeness breeds suffocation,
Some space let’s in a breath of fresh air…
of individual experiences and experiments…
some detachment allows room to think ,
to observe,  to understand, to miss,
to value one’s own self  and the other…
Distance gradually let’s feelings
come out as they are..
accepted in black and white
unlike the blurred and coloured illusions
from too much proximity….

and at some point
if the relationship is important enough,
it lets both come back to each other
with natural honesty and truthfulness ..
at whatever degree of bend
that’s necessary
to grow together…again….

“Distance” (c) BM @bijalwrites

#midnight #musings #words #wordsofwisdom #poetsofinstagram #writerlife #poetry #tree #distance #stayawayfromnegativity #stayaway #betogether #tree #love #truth #factoflife #lifequotes #wisdom #philosophy #bijalwrites #digitalbijal #contentment #poem

Distance.. How Much is Enough? How Much is Too Much?

Published by Travel In And Out

“When life surprises me, writing soothes me” that is my connection with words. I am passionate about unfolding through my musings, what a painter does through his paintings. The greatest painter according to me is God. That might be the reason why my creative writing unfolds feelings about people, occurrences and circumstances, many times. Intrigued by the power of advertising and branding, deeply interested in social media and the services sector, the intangible elements of marketing fascinate me. Enjoy observing self, others and life in a quiet, non-judgmental manner and from a third person view.

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